Art restores democracy

For the German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, we are sending a strong signal of art, a call for commitment to democracy and against the right.

Kunst schafft Demokratie

Art restores democracy

In cooperation with the Kunstfest Weimar, we are planning an artistic performative intervention in Thuringia this year on the occasion of the state elections in September 2024. Our main aim is to strengthen democratic values such as diversity, tolerance and openness to the world in order to counteract the right-wing pressure in these federal states. We are inviting artists to take part in this important campaign with their works. The selected artworks will be presented on 200 large-format billboards in public spaces in August to reach people directly in their everyday lives on the street. But we need your support to make it all happen!

In order to promote artistic diversity, we are launching an open call for regional and national artists. An independent jury of experts will evaluate the submitted works and select the most meaningful ones. The large-format posters in public spaces should above all depict a positive democratic narrative and encourage people to vote! This intervention is a project that is truly close to our hearts!

Do you think the project is just as important as we do and would like to take part? Then let's restore democracy through art and bring about positive change together!

Let's spread the message together:
Art restores democracy!

Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk


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