Art restores democracy

For the German state elections in Thuringia, we are sending a strong signal of art, a call for commitment to democracy and against the far right.

Kunst schafft Demokratie

Art restores democracy

Thuringia-wide poster campaign and an exhibition against the far right

The "Art creates democracy" project was launched by the MeetFrida Foundation in cooperation with the Kunstfest Weimar to send a signal against the far right in the run-up to the state elections in Thuringia. Billboards are being used throughout Thuringia to show art instead of advertising and to enter into a dialogue with the population about democratic values. This art works in public spaces, without hierarchy and fear of thresholds, and engages in direct interaction.

But we need your support to realise all of this!

In addition to the billboards in public spaces, the works will be presented online and in social media and made available to the public as posters for download. They will also be shown as an exhibition in the library of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as part of the Kunstfest Weimar from 22 August to 8 September.

The aim of the project is to use art to sensitise and mobilise the silent majority. The artworks are intended to provoke, make people think and raise awareness of the importance of democracy. They are intended to show that diversity, cosmopolitanism and tolerance are the most important values on which our society is based.

Do you think the project is just as important as we do and would like to take part? Then let's restore democracy through art and bring about positive change together!

Cooperation partner: Kunstfest Weimar

The project is kindly supported by: Siemens Arts Program, STRÖER, ERNA Stiftung, GLS Treuhand, Stadtverwaltung Erfurt, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Thüringer Agentur für Kreativwirtschaft, Kulturmanagement Network , Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weltoffenes Thüringen, Die Vielen.

Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk
Plakatwand zeigt Kunstwerk


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